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October 16, 2019 5:44 am

Donald Trump, Constitutional Ignoramus

He doesn’t understand the first thing about the charter he has sworn to “preserve, protect and defend.”
George Thomas
September 4, 2019 2:09 pm

The Problem with Dan Crenshaw’s Tweet on Lending Guns

And the bad-faith response by AOC and the gun-control left.
Jim Swift
May 9, 2019 1:56 pm

Brian Sims Shows Why Politicians Should Stay off Twitter

By now, you have probably heard of Brian Sims, a Democratic state representative serving Pennsylvania’s 182nd district. His…

Sarah Quinlan
April 5, 2019 12:14 pm

Conservatives Hated the Fairness Doctrine. Now They Want One for Social Media.

Serious conservatives should reject Senator Hawley's unserious new "fairness doctrine."
Jim Swift
March 20, 2019 5:21 am

What If Twitter You Is the Real You?

The denizens of the internet don’t agree on much, except maybe this: The world wide web is a blasted hellscape…

Andrew Egger
February 23, 2019 6:47 pm

Salem Host Promotes Kamala Harris-Jussie Smollett Conspiracy Theory

Later deletes claim, but sorry, he’s not sorry.
Jim Swift