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41: ‘Wandavision’ Reviewed! Plus, Armie Hammer’s Cannibalism Conundrum

January 19, 2021
This week on Across the Movie Aisle, Sonny Bunch (The Bulwark), Alyssa Rosenberg (The Washington Post), and Peter Suderman (Reason) review the MCU’s big new release: Wandavision, now streaming on Disney+. Plus, in controversies and nontroversies: how much privacy Armie Hammer should be afforded after he felt forced to abandon a movie shoot following the release of damaging DMs and claims of controlling behavior by an ex-girlfriend? And don’t forget to check out our Substack members-only episode on the defining films of the Trump Era at! You won’t want to miss Sonny, Alyssa, and Peter’s choices there.
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