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Mike Madrid

Mike Madrid is a co-founder of the Lincoln Project. A longtime Republican political strategist and a former political director for the California State Republican Party, he is currently a partner at the public relations firm GrassrootsLab.

Articles by Mike Madrid

February 13, 2024 1:23 am

Will Illegal Immigration Drive GOP Turnout as Much as Abortion Has Driven Democrats?

All eyes will be on the special election to replace George Santos.
Mike Madrid
October 24, 2023 12:20 am

Trump’s Aura of Invincibility Has Been Pierced

In rejecting Jim Jordan, House Republicans rejected Trump’s stated wishes and didn’t cave to high-pressure MAGA tactics.
Mike Madrid
October 1, 2020 5:30 am

Reaching the ‘Bannon Line’

The threshold necessary to secure Trump’s defeat.
Mike Madrid