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Kevin Binversie

Kevin Binversie is a freelance writer and researcher based in Wisconsin. His work has previously appeared in the Weekly Standard, Washington Times, National Review Online,, and

Articles by Kevin Binversie

April 23, 2020 5:18 am

The Pro-Wrestling Presidency Keeps Working the Marks

In Florida, professional wrestlers are now essential workers. Go figure.
Kevin Binversie
February 27, 2020 5:30 am

McCain-Feingold Gave Us Trump. It’s Giving Us Bernie, Too.

How the 2002 campaign-finance law left the political parties susceptible to hostile takeover.
Kevin Binversie
January 29, 2019 3:46 am

Trump Exploits “Fake News.” The Media Must Do Better.

It doesn't take much to feed the president's victimization complex.
Kevin Binversie