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Calum Best

Calum Best is a co-founder of Save71, an organization devoted to bringing reform to Liberty University, from which he graduated in May 2020. He is a high school math teacher in Memphis, Tennessee.

Articles by Calum Best

November 18, 2022 5:30 am

Falwell’s Downfall: The Pool Boy’s Story

Money, power, and sex.
Calum Best
January 15, 2021 6:34 am

The Falkirk Center: Liberty University’s Slime Factory

It gave oxygen to Trump’s steal-the-election bid. Now hundreds of Liberty students are petitioning to have the meme-making machine shut…
Calum Best
August 8, 2020 5:30 am

Jerry Falwell’s Zipper Has Been Down for Years

His bizarre Instagram picture is just the latest in a long line of bad decisions that have harmed Liberty University.
Calum Best